記事一覧へ English

Internet of Tomohiro


How Nim's runtime checks are optimized out

  1. Simple openArray read with an index
  2. For loop
  3. While loop
  4. While loop with a loop counter incremented by 2
  5. Try to improve while loop with a loop counter incremented by 2
  6. While loop with a loop counter incremented by 2 without runtime checks

Nim compiler adds runtime check code like over-/underflow checks or bound checks to an output program in default. -d:danger compiler flag turn off all runtime checks. This blog post shows that if the compiler found the runtime error never happens, corresponding runtime check code can be removed and in some cases it might run fast as if it is compiled with -d:danger. GCC's optimizer perform Jump threading that do such an optimization.

I used Nim version 2.0.8, GCC version 13.2.1 20240210 (Gentoo 13.2.1_p20240210 p14) and x86_64 intel ivybridge CPU on Gentoo Linux.

Simple openArray read with an index


proc testProc(arr: openArray[int]; pos: int): int =
  # Integer addition adds overflow check
  let p = pos + 3
  # Reading an openArray element adds bound check

const arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
echo testProc(arr, 1)

Following command compiles above code and generates C code (@mtestproc.nim.c), GIMPLE intermediate language (@mtestproc.nim.c.c.254t.optimized) and assembler code (@mtestproc.nim.c.o) in Nim cache directory. --passC option send specified options to the backend C compiler. In my case it is GCC. As -S option output an assembly code instead of an object file, this command fails at linking. All Nim code in this article are also compiled with this command with corresponding file name.

nim c -d:release --passC:"-S -masm=intel -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fverbose-asm -fdump-tree-optimized" testproc.nim

Read GCC manual for more details.

You can read output assembly files and see how GCC optimize code. But if you don't like to read an assembly code, you can read the file dumped by -fdump-tree-optimized option which writes the intermediate language tree called GIMPLE after optimizations. GIMPLE is a language independent tree based representation used by GCC for target and language independent optimizations. As it is written to the file in C like syntax, it is easier to read than an assembly code. If you want to learn more about GIMPLE, please read GCC Internals Manual.

Following code represents generated C code as Nim code. There are branches to check runtime errors:

proc testProc(arr_p0: ptr int; arr_p0Len_0: int; pos_p1: int): int =
  var tmp: int
  # `nimAddInt` do addition with overflow check.
  if nimAddInt(pos_p1, 3, tmp.addr):
  var p = tmp
  # if statement for bound check
  if p < 0 or p >= arr_p0Len_0:
    raiseIndexError2(p, arr_p0Len_0-1)
  result = arr_p0[p]

Following code is the intermediate language tree dumped by -fdump-tree-optimized:

Note: <bb 3> represents a block and goto <bb 3> jump to the block. # result_11 = PHI <result_20(D)(6), result_18(7)> means if jumped from <bb 6>, assign result_20 to result_11. And if jumped from <bb 7>, assign result_18 to result_11. For more details: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gccint/SSA.html
NI testProc__testproc_u1 (NI * arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0, NI pos_p1)
  NI result;
  long long int _1;
  long long int _2;
  _Bool _4;
  _Bool _5;
  _Bool _6;
  long int _7;
  long unsigned int p.1_8;
  long unsigned int _9;
  NI * _10;
  __complex__ long long int _14;
  <bb 2> [local count: 1073741824]:
  _14 = .ADD_OVERFLOW (pos_p1_13(D), 3);
  _1 = REALPART_EXPR <_14>;
  _2 = IMAGPART_EXPR <_14>;
  if (_2 != 0)
    goto <bb 3>; [20.24%]
    goto <bb 4>; [79.76%]
  <bb 3> [local count: 217325344]:
  raiseOverflow ();
  goto <bb 6>; [100.00%]
  <bb 4> [local count: 856416481]:
  _4 = _1 < 0;
  _5 = _1 >= arr_p0Len_0_16(D);
  _6 = _4 | _5;
  if (_6 != 0)
    goto <bb 5>; [20.24%]
    goto <bb 7>; [79.76%]
  <bb 5> [local count: 173338695]:
  _7 = arr_p0Len_0_16(D) + -1;
  raiseIndexError2 (_1, _7);
  <bb 6> [local count: 173338695]:
  goto <bb 8>; [100.00%]
  <bb 7> [local count: 683077786]:
  p.1_8 = (long unsigned int) _1;
  _9 = p.1_8 * 8;
  _10 = arr_p0_17(D) + _9;
  result_18 = *_10;
  <bb 8> [local count: 1073741824]:
  # result_11 = PHI <result_20(D)(6), result_18(7)>
  return result_11;


Following code is the assembly code (/$NimCacheDir/@mtestproc.nim.c.o) generated by GCC on x86_64 Linux:

Note: testProc proc is actually inlined at the call site and it is optimized and became a code just do echo $4. I put the assembly code of testProc to show how testProc is compiled if it is not inlined and the value of arguments are unknown at the compile time.

List of registers used to pass arguments and the return value:

  sub	rsp, 24
  # let p = pos + 3
  add	rdx, 3
  # If pos + 3 overflow, jump to .L3 and raiseOverflow
  jo	.L3
  # If p < 0, jump to .L9 and raiseIndexError
  test	rdx, rdx
  js	.L9
  # if p >= arr_p0Len_0, jump to .L9 and raiseIndexError
  cmp	rdx, rsi
  jge	.L9
  # rax = arr[p];
  mov	rax, QWORD PTR [rdi+rdx*8]
  add	rsp, 24
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  # raiseIndexError2(p,arr_p0Len_0-1)
  sub	rsi, 1
  mov	rdi, rdx
  mov	QWORD PTR 8[rsp], rax
  call	raiseIndexError2
  mov	rax, QWORD PTR 8[rsp]
  add	rsp, 24
  mov	QWORD PTR 8[rsp], rax
  # raiseOverflow()
  call	raiseOverflow
  mov	rax, QWORD PTR 8[rsp]
  jmp	.L1

Add the if statement that do bound check to testProc proc.


proc testProc(arr: openArray[int]; pos: int): int =
  let p = pos + 3
  if p >= 0 and p < arr.len:  # Added if statement.

const arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
echo testProc(arr, 1)

Compile it with the same command and see how output files are changed. You can see GCC removes the branch corresponding to the bound check code because the index is always within the bound of openArray after the added if statement.

Following code is a Nim code translated from Generated C code and simplified. There are the if statement corresponding to the added if statement and bound check.

proc testProc__testproc_u1(arr_p0: ptr int, arr_p0Len_0: int, pos_p1: int): int
  var tmp: int
  if nimAddInt(pos_p1, 3, tmp.addr):
  if p < 0 or p >= arr_p0Len_0:
    result = 0
  elif p < 0 or p >= arr_p0Len_0:
    result = arr_p0[p]
  return result;

In the intermediate language tree, there is only one branch (<bb 4>) that do bound check.

NI testProc__testproc_u1 (NI * arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0, NI pos_p1)
  NI colontmpD_;
  NI result;
  long long int _1;
  long long int _2;
  _Bool _7;
  long unsigned int p.1_8;
  long unsigned int _9;
  NI * _10;
  __complex__ long long int _15;
  _Bool _18;
  _Bool _21;
  <bb 2> [local count: 1073741823]:
  _15 = .ADD_OVERFLOW (pos_p1_14(D), 3);
  _1 = REALPART_EXPR <_15>;
  _2 = IMAGPART_EXPR <_15>;
  if (_2 != 0)
    goto <bb 3>; [20.24%]
    goto <bb 4>; [79.76%]
  <bb 3> [local count: 217325344]:
  raiseOverflow ();
  goto <bb 6>; [100.00%]
  <bb 4> [local count: 856416479]:
  _18 = _1 < arr_p0Len_0_17(D);
  _7 = _1 >= 0;
  _21 = _7 & _18;
  if (_21 != 0)
    goto <bb 5>; [65.24%]
    goto <bb 6>; [34.76%]
  <bb 5> [local count: 378707366]:
  p.1_8 = (long unsigned int) _1;
  _9 = p.1_8 * 8;
  _10 = arr_p0_19(D) + _9;
  colontmpD__20 = *_10;
  <bb 6> [local count: 1073741824]:
  # result_11 = PHI <result_22(D)(3), colontmpD__20(5), _2(4)>
  return result_11;


In the assembly code, the bound check is performed only once.

  # result = 0  (bitwise xor same values result in 0)
  xor	eax, eax
  # let p = pos + 3
  add	rdx, 3
  # if overflowed, set 1 to al, else set 0 to al.
  seto	al
  # Jump to .L15 if overflowed.
  jo	.L15
  # If p < 0, jump to .L9 and raiseIndexError
  test	rdx, rdx
  js	.L11
  # if p >= arr_p0Len_0, jump to .L9 and raiseIndexError
  cmp	rdx, rsi
  jge	.L11
  # rax = arr[p];
  mov	rax, QWORD PTR [rdi+rdx*8]
      # return
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  sub	rsp, 24
  mov	QWORD PTR 8[rsp], rax
  # raiseOverflow()
  call	raiseOverflow
  mov	rax, QWORD PTR 8[rsp]
  add	rsp, 24

For loop

Next, let's see if runtime check code is optimized away in for statement. In following code, testloop proc finds the maximum value from the openArray type argument.


import std/[cmdline, times, monotimes, random]

template bench(body: untyped): untyped =
  let start = getMonoTime()
  let finish = getMonoTime()
  echo (finish - start).inMicroseconds, " micro second"

type MyInt = int

proc testloop(arr: openArray[MyInt]): MyInt =
  result = MyInt.low
  for x in arr:
    if x > result:
      result = x

# Initialize inputData using a runtime value `paramCount()`
# so that compilers cannot optimize code using input data
# that are known at compile time.
  rand = (paramCount() or 123).initRand()
  inputData: seq[MyInt]

for i in 0 .. (10000000 + paramCount()):
  inputData.add rand.rand(MyInt)

var ret: MyInt
  ret = testloop(inputData)
# If output of `testloop` was not echoed, dead code elimination
# would optimize out `testloop`.
echo ret

In generated C code, in the loop in testloop proc, there is no overflow check when incrementing the counter because the loop ends when the counter reached to openArray length. But there is a bound check code before reading openArray. Can I access the openArray with the index larger than the openArray length in the for loop?

N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(NI, testloop__testforloop_u10)(NI* arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0) {
  NI result;
{	result = ((NI)(IL64(-9223372036854775807) - IL64(1)));
    NI* x;
    NI i;
    x = (NI*)0;
    i = ((NI)0);
      while (1) {
        if (!(i < arr_p0Len_0)) goto LA3;
        if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
        x = (&arr_p0[i]);
          if (!(result < (*x))) goto LA6_;
          result = (*x);
LA6_: ;
        i += ((NI)1);
      } LA3: ;
  }BeforeRet_: ;
  return result;

This is probably because iterator items*[T: not char](a: openArray[T]): lent2 T in lib/system/iterators.nim in Nim stdlib is implemented using while loop and access elements using index.

iterator items*[T: not char](a: openArray[T]): lent2 T {.inline.} =
  ## Iterates over each item of `a`.
  var i = 0
  while i < len(a):
    yield a[i]

In the intermediate language tree, there is no bound check in the loop. I think, GCC knows variable i is initialized with 0 and exit the loop when i == arr_p0Len_0, so also knows i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0 is always false.

Note: testloop proc is actually inlined at the call site and following code is not called. But it is almost the same as inlined code and you can see how optimization worked.
NI testloop__testforloop_u10 (NI * arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0)
  unsigned long ivtmp.31;
  NI result;
  long int _4;
  unsigned long _6;
  long int _7;
  unsigned long _17;
  unsigned long _18;
  void * _19;
  <bb 2> [local count: 118111600]:
  if (arr_p0Len_0_8(D) <= 0)
    goto <bb 3>; [11.00%]
    goto <bb 4>; [89.00%]
  <bb 3> [local count: 118111600]:
  # result_14 = PHI <_7(5), -9223372036854775808(2)>
  return result_14;
  <bb 4> [local count: 105119324]:
  ivtmp.31_20 = (unsigned long) arr_p0_9(D);
  _18 = (unsigned long) arr_p0Len_0_8(D);
  _17 = _18 * 8;
  _6 = _17 + ivtmp.31_20;
  <bb 5> [local count: 955630225]:
  # result_15 = PHI <_7(5), -9223372036854775808(4)>
  # ivtmp.31_22 = PHI <ivtmp.31_21(5), ivtmp.31_20(4)>
  _19 = (void *) ivtmp.31_22;
  _4 = MEM[(NI *)_19];
  _7 = MAX_EXPR <_4, result_15>;
  ivtmp.31_21 = ivtmp.31_22 + 8;
  if (_6 == ivtmp.31_21)
    goto <bb 3>; [11.00%]
    goto <bb 5>; [89.00%]


In assembly code, there is no bound check. Also, it read and update max value twice in one loop iteration.

Note: testloop proc is actually inlined at the call site and following code is not executed. But it is almost the same as inlined code and you can see how optimization worked. And inlined code is a bit complicated than this.
  # rdi: pointer to an array of int. The pointer part of openArray.
  # rsi: Length of openArray.
  # rax: return value.
  # if arr.len_0 <= 0, jump to .L11
  test	rsi, rsi
  jle	.L11
  # result = int.low
  movabs	rax, -9223372036854775808
  # rcx points to the last element in openArray
  lea	rcx, [rdi+rsi*8]
  # if arr.len is an even number, jump to .L4
  and	esi, 1
  je	.L4
  # if x > result:
  #   result = x
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  # Add 8 to rdi and jump to .L12 when rdi == rcx
  add	rdi, 8	# ivtmp.31,
  cmp	rcx, rdi	# _6, ivtmp.31
  je	.L12	#,
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  # Main loop
  # if x > result:
  #   result = x
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR 8[rdi]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  add	rdi, 16
  cmp	rcx, rdi
  jne	.L4
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  # return int.low
  movabs	rax, -9223372036854775808

I compiled testforloop.nim with -d:danger. Generated assembly code for testloop proc was the same as the one compiled with -d:release. So the measured time of testloop proc using bench template are the same.

I compiled testforloop.nim with -d:danger --passC:"-march=native". (-march=native is explained here: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/x86-Options.html#index-march-16) (You can get the same assembly code with -march=ivybridge as I'm using ivybridge CPU) There are SSE instructions in the loop that takes 2 int and find the largest value at the same time. But it tooks about x1.5 longer time. I usually get faster code with -march=native, but it seems not always produce faster code. So measuring time to see if changed code or compile options produces faster code is important.

GCC also generated SSE instructions when I changed type MyInt = int32 in testforloop.nim even if it compiled without --passC:"-march=native".

Following table shows measured times when I change MyInt type and -march=native option. In all cases, there is no difference between -d:release and -d:danger.

MyIntGCC optiontime (10^-3 second)

While loop

I replaced for loop in testforloop.nim with while loop. Then, there are two openArray element accesses that produce bound checks and the integer addition that produces an overflow check. So while loop runs slower than for loop?


import std/[cmdline, times, monotimes, random]

template bench(body: untyped): untyped =
  let start = getMonoTime()
  let finish = getMonoTime()
  echo (finish - start).inMicroseconds, " micro second"

type MyInt = int

proc testloop(arr: openArray[MyInt]): MyInt =
  result = MyInt.low
  var i = 0
  while i < arr.len:
    if arr[i] > result:
      result = arr[i]
    inc i

# Initialize inputData using a runtime value `paramCount()`
# so that compilers cannot optimize code using input data
# that are known at compile time.
  rand = (paramCount() or 123).initRand()
  inputData: seq[MyInt]

for i in 0 .. (10000000 + paramCount()):
  inputData.add rand.rand(MyInt)

var ret: MyInt
  ret = testloop(inputData)
# If output of `testloop` was not echoed, dead code elimination
# would optimize out `testloop`.
echo ret

In generated C code for testloop proc in testwhileloop.nim, variable i was bound checked twice while its value is not changed. When incrementing variable i, it is overflow checked.

N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(NI, testloop__testwhileloop_u10)(NI* arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0) {
  NI result;
  NI i;
{	result = ((NI)(IL64(-9223372036854775807) - IL64(1)));
  i = ((NI)0);
    while (1) {
      NI TM__aOy9cqT9aUiLxScXJWTKXVXA_4;
      if (!(i < arr_p0Len_0)) goto LA2;
        if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
        if (!(result < arr_p0[i])) goto LA5_;
        if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
        result = arr_p0[i];
LA5_: ;
      if (nimAddInt(i, ((NI)1), &TM__aOy9cqT9aUiLxScXJWTKXVXA_4)) { raiseOverflow(); goto BeforeRet_;
      i = (NI)(TM__aOy9cqT9aUiLxScXJWTKXVXA_4);
    } LA2: ;
  }BeforeRet_: ;
  return result;

The intermediate language tree generated from testwhileloop.nim is almost the same as the one generated from testforloop.nim. There is neither bound check nor overflow checks inside the loop.

NI testloop__testwhileloop_u10 (NI * arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0)
  unsigned long ivtmp.33;
  NI result;
  long int _7;
  long int _8;
  unsigned long _12;
  unsigned long _14;
  unsigned long _16;
  void * _17;
  <bb 2> [local count: 113634474]:
  if (arr_p0Len_0_20(D) <= 0)
    goto <bb 5>; [3.66%]
    goto <bb 3>; [96.34%]
  <bb 3> [local count: 109475452]:
  ivtmp.33_18 = (unsigned long) arr_p0_21(D);
  _16 = (unsigned long) arr_p0Len_0_20(D);
  _14 = _16 * 8;
  _12 = _14 + ivtmp.33_18;
  <bb 4> [local count: 996582262]:
  # result_25 = PHI <_8(4), -9223372036854775808(3)>
  # ivtmp.33_23 = PHI <ivtmp.33_22(4), ivtmp.33_18(3)>
  _17 = (void *) ivtmp.33_23;
  _7 = MEM[(NI *)_17];
  _8 = MAX_EXPR <_7, result_25>;
  ivtmp.33_22 = ivtmp.33_23 + 8;
  if (_12 == ivtmp.33_22)
    goto <bb 5>; [3.66%]
    goto <bb 4>; [96.34%]
  <bb 5> [local count: 113634474]:
  # result_11 = PHI <_8(4), -9223372036854775808(2)>
  return result_11;


Generated assembly code from testwhileloop.nim is also almost the same as the one from testforloop.nim excepts rax register is initialized in different order.

  movabs	rax, -9223372036854775808
  test	rsi, rsi
  jle	.L1
  lea	rcx, [rdi+rsi*8]
  and	esi, 1
  je	.L3
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  add	rdi, 8
  cmp	rcx, rdi
  je	.L13
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR 8[rdi]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  add	rdi, 16
  cmp	rcx, rdi
  jne	.L3

I measured time of testwhileloop.nim with MyInt = int/MyInt = int32 and with/without -march=native and I got almost the same result as testforloop.nim. -d:release and -d:danger options didn't affected measured time again.

While loop with a loop counter incremented by 2

If the loop counter i incremented by 2 instead of 1, bound checks and the overflow check inside the loop is still optimized away?


import std/[cmdline, times, monotimes, random]

template bench(body: untyped): untyped =
  let start = getMonoTime()
  let finish = getMonoTime()
  echo (finish - start).inMicroseconds, " micro second"

type MyInt = int

proc testloop(arr: openArray[MyInt]): MyInt =
  result = MyInt.low
  var i = 0
  while i < arr.len:
    if arr[i] > result:
      result = arr[i]
    inc i, 2

# Initialize inputData using a runtime value `paramCount()`
# so that compilers cannot optimize code using input data
# that are known at compile time.
  rand = (paramCount() or 123).initRand()
  inputData: seq[MyInt]

for i in 0 .. (10000000 + paramCount()):
  inputData.add rand.rand(MyInt)

var ret: MyInt
  ret = testloop(inputData)
# If output of `testloop` was not echoed, dead code elimination
# would optimize out `testloop`.
echo ret

In generated C code, there are bound checks and a overflow check.

N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(NI, testloop__testwhileloop50_u10)(NI* arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0) {
  NI result;
  NI i;
{	result = ((NI)(IL64(-9223372036854775807) - IL64(1)));
  i = ((NI)0);
    while (1) {
      NI TM__1WLdxhZPcWspJNZcZVZa7A_4;
      if (!(i < arr_p0Len_0)) goto LA2;
        if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
        if (!(result < arr_p0[i])) goto LA5_;
        if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
        result = arr_p0[i];
LA5_: ;
      if (nimAddInt(i, ((NI)2), &TM__1WLdxhZPcWspJNZcZVZa7A_4)) { raiseOverflow(); goto BeforeRet_;
      i = (NI)(TM__1WLdxhZPcWspJNZcZVZa7A_4);
    } LA2: ;
  }BeforeRet_: ;
  return result;

In intermediate language tree, there are raiseIndexError2 and raiseOverflow.

NI testloop__testwhileloop50_u10 (NI * arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0)
  NI i;
  NI result;
  long int _3;
  long unsigned int i.0_4;
  long unsigned int _5;
  NI * _6;
  long int _7;
  long int _8;
  long long int _10;
  long long int _11;
  __complex__ long long int _21;
  <bb 2> [local count: 113634474]:
  <bb 3> [local count: 1073741824]:
  # result_12 = PHI <-9223372036854775808(2), _8(7)>
  # i_14 = PHI <0(2), _10(7)>
  if (i_14 >= arr_p0Len_0_18(D))
    goto <bb 4>; [3.66%]
    goto <bb 5>; [96.34%]
  <bb 4> [local count: 39298952]:
  goto <bb 9>; [100.00%]
  <bb 5> [local count: 1034442872]:
  if (i_14 < 0)
    goto <bb 6>; [3.66%]
    goto <bb 7>; [96.34%]
  <bb 6> [local count: 37860610]:
  _3 = arr_p0Len_0_18(D) + -1;
  raiseIndexError2 (i_14, _3);
  goto <bb 4>; [100.00%]
  <bb 7> [local count: 996582262]:
  i.0_4 = (long unsigned int) i_14;
  _5 = i.0_4 * 8;
  _6 = arr_p0_19(D) + _5;
  _7 = *_6;
  _8 = MAX_EXPR <_7, result_12>;
  _21 = .ADD_OVERFLOW (i_14, 2);
  _10 = REALPART_EXPR <_21>;
  _11 = IMAGPART_EXPR <_21>;
  if (_11 != 0)
    goto <bb 8>; [3.66%]
    goto <bb 3>; [96.34%]
  <bb 8> [local count: 36474912]:
  raiseOverflow ();
  <bb 9> [local count: 113634474]:
  # result_13 = PHI <_8(8), result_12(4)>
  return result_13;


In assembly code, there are call raiseIndexError2 and call raiseOverflow.

  push	rbx
  # pointer part of `arr` is copied to rdx
  mov	rdx, rdi
  # rdi is zero cleared and it is used as loop counter `i`
  xor	edi, edi
  # rbx = int.low. It correspondings to `result`.
  movabs	rbx, -9223372036854775808
  jmp	.L8
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  # if rdi < 0, jump to .L14 and raiseIndexError2
  test	rdi, rdi
  js	.L14
  # rax = `arr[i]`
  mov	rax, QWORD PTR [rdx+rdi*8]
  # if rbx < rax, rbx = rax
  cmp	rbx, rax
  cmovl	rbx, rax
  # Add 2 to rdi and if overflowed, jump to .L15 and raiseOverflow
  add	rdi, 2
  jo	.L15
  # if rdi > arr.len, exit loop
  cmp	rdi, rsi
  jl	.L16
  # rax = rbx as rax is the return value of this proc.
  mov	rax, rbx
  pop	rbx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  sub	rsi, 1
  call	raiseIndexError2
  mov	rax, rbx
  pop	rbx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  call	raiseOverflow
  mov	rax, rbx
  pop	rbx

In both the intermediate language tree and the assembly code, when adding 2 to loop counter i (i_14 in the intermediate language true and rdi in the assembly code), it is overflow checked. Before accessing openArray, the bound check only see if i < 0, but doesn't check i >= arr.len. This is probably because the length of openArray can be highest int value. If arr.len == int.high, loop counter i becomes i == int.high - 1 (int.high - 1 is an even number) and adding 2 to it causes overflow without while loop condition i < arr.len become false, as int.high is an odd number but i is always an even number.

How slow if there are an overflow check and a bound check?

MyIntGCC option-d:time (10^-3 second)

When MyInt = int64, -d:danger is slightly faster but no so much difference. But when MyInt = int32, -d:release is almost 2 times slower than -d:danger.

Following two assembly code generated from testwhileloop2.nim with MyInt = int32 without -march=native.

In the assembly code compiled with -d:release, there is no SSE instructions.

  push	rbx
  mov	rdx, rdi
  mov	ebx, -2147483648
  xor	edi, edi
  jmp	.L8
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  test	rdi, rdi
  js	.L14
  mov	eax, DWORD PTR [rdx+rdi*4]
  cmp	ebx, eax
  cmovl	ebx, eax
  add	rdi, 2
  jo	.L15
  cmp	rdi, rsi
  jl	.L16
  mov	eax, ebx
  pop	rbx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  sub	rsi, 1
  call	raiseIndexError2
  mov	eax, ebx
  pop	rbx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  call	raiseOverflow
  mov	eax, ebx
  pop	rbx

In the assembly code compiled with -d:danger, there are SSE instructions.

  # Let natural numbers 'n' and 'm' such that `arr.len` = 8 * n + m (0 <= m < 8) (Division theorem)
  # When m == 0, first 8 * (n - 1) elements in `arr` are read in the main loop .L5,
  # and remaining 8 elements are read after .L3.
  # When m != 0, first 8 * n elements in `arr` are read in the main loop,
  # and remaining elements are read after .L3.
  # rcx is the pointer part of `arr: openArray[int32]`
  mov	rcx, rdi
  # If `arr.len <= 0`, jump to .L10 and return int32.low
  test	rsi, rsi
  jle	.L10
  # rdx = `arr.len - 1`
  lea	rdx, -1[rsi]
  # If `arr.len <= 8`, jump to .L8
  # The main loop below .L5 works only when `arr.len > 8`.
  cmp	rdx, 7
  jbe	.L8
  shr	rdx, 3
  # rax is the pointer part of `arr: openArray[int32]`
  # rax is used as read pointer in the main loop.
  mov	rax, rdi
  # xmm register contains 4 int32. Set int32.low to 4 int32 in xmm2.
  movdqa	xmm2, XMMWORD PTR .LC0[rip]
  mov	rdi, rdx
  sal	rdi, 5
  # rdi points to the byte after the last int32 * 8 block
  add	rdi, rcx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  # The main loop is between this line and `jne .L5`.
  # Read 4 int32 and store to xmm0
  movdqu	xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [rax]
  # Read next 4 int32 and store to xmm3
  movdqu	xmm3, XMMWORD PTR 16[rax]
  # Add 32 to read pointer
  add	rax, 32
  # 136 = 10001000
  # Pick 1st and 3rd int32 from each of xmm0 and xmm3 and put them on xmm0,
  # so that xmm0 contains 4 int32 from even number element of `arr`.
  shufps	xmm0, xmm3, 136
  movdqa	xmm1, xmm0
  # Compare each int32 in xmm1 and xmm2, and if the one in xmm1 is larger, set it to xmm2.
  pcmpgtd	xmm1, xmm2
  pand	xmm0, xmm1
  pandn	xmm1, xmm2
  movdqa	xmm2, xmm1
  por	xmm2, xmm0
  cmp	rdi, rax
  jne	.L5
  # Pick larget int32 from xmm2 and set it to eax
  movdqa	xmm0, xmm2
  sal	rdx, 3
  psrldq	xmm0, 8
  movdqa	xmm1, xmm0
  pcmpgtd	xmm1, xmm2
  pand	xmm0, xmm1
  pandn	xmm1, xmm2
  por	xmm1, xmm0
  movdqa	xmm2, xmm1
  psrldq	xmm2, 4
  movdqa	xmm0, xmm2
  pcmpgtd	xmm0, xmm1
  pand	xmm2, xmm0
  pandn	xmm0, xmm1
  por	xmm0, xmm2
  movd	eax, xmm0
  mov	r8d, DWORD PTR [rcx+rdx*4]
  lea	rdi, 0[0+rdx*4]
  cmp	eax, r8d
  cmovl	eax, r8d
  lea	r8, 2[rdx]
  cmp	r8, rsi
  jge	.L1
  mov	r8d, DWORD PTR 8[rcx+rdi]
  cmp	eax, r8d
  cmovl	eax, r8d
  lea	r8, 4[rdx]
  cmp	rsi, r8
  jle	.L1
  mov	r8d, DWORD PTR 16[rcx+rdi]
  cmp	eax, r8d
  cmovl	eax, r8d
  add	rdx, 6
  cmp	rsi, rdx
  jle	.L1
  mov	edx, DWORD PTR 24[rcx+rdi]
  cmp	eax, edx
  cmovl	eax, edx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  mov	eax, -2147483648
  # Zero clear rdx and set int32.low to eax
  xor	edx, edx
  mov	eax, -2147483648
  jmp	.L3

Try to improve while loop with a loop counter incremented by 2

In order to make bound checks and overflow checks are optimized out in testloop proc in testwhileloop2.nim, I have changed the loop condition. If i < arr.len - 1, inc i, 2 should not overflow even if arr.len == int.high. But it exits the loop before the last even number element is read when arr.len is an odd number.


import std/[cmdline, times, monotimes, random]

template bench(body: untyped): untyped =
  let start = getMonoTime()
  let finish = getMonoTime()
  echo (finish - start).inMicroseconds, " micro second"

type MyInt = int

proc testloop(arr: openArray[MyInt]): MyInt =
  result = MyInt.low
  var i = 0
  while i < arr.len - 1:
    if arr[i] > result:
      result = arr[i]
    inc i, 2
  if i == arr.high and arr[i] > result:
    result = arr[i]

when false:
  # Tests
  doAssert testloop([]) == MyInt.low
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt]) == 0
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt, 1]) == 0
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt, 1, 2]) == 2
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt, 1, 2, 3]) == 2
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt, 1, 2, 3, 4]) == 4
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) == 4

# Initialize inputData using a runtime value `paramCount()`
# so that compilers cannot optimize code using input data
# that are known at compile time.
  rand = (paramCount() or 123).initRand()
  inputData: seq[MyInt]

for i in 0 .. (10000000 + paramCount()):
  inputData.add rand.rand(MyInt)

var ret: MyInt
  ret = testloop(inputData)
# If output of `testloop` was not echoed, dead code elimination
# would optimize out `testloop`.
echo ret

In generated C code, arr.len - 1 in the while loop condition became nimSubInt(arr_p0Len_0, ((NI)1), &TM__ZnbSUaan7pLK3wwky39bzhA_4). It is an integer subtraction with underflow check. arr.len is an int and should be larger than or equal to 0. Can arr.len - 1 cause underflow?

N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(NI, testloop__testwhileloop50a_u10)(NI* arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0) {
  NI result;
  NI i;
{	result = ((NI)(IL64(-9223372036854775807) - IL64(1)));
  i = ((NI)0);
    while (1) {
      NI TM__ZnbSUaan7pLK3wwky39bzhA_4;
      NI TM__ZnbSUaan7pLK3wwky39bzhA_5;
      if (nimSubInt(arr_p0Len_0, ((NI)1), &TM__ZnbSUaan7pLK3wwky39bzhA_4)) { raiseOverflow(); goto BeforeRet_;
      if (!(i < (NI)(TM__ZnbSUaan7pLK3wwky39bzhA_4))) goto LA2;
        if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
        if (!(result < arr_p0[i])) goto LA5_;
        if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
        result = arr_p0[i];
LA5_: ;
      if (nimAddInt(i, ((NI)2), &TM__ZnbSUaan7pLK3wwky39bzhA_5)) { raiseOverflow(); goto BeforeRet_;
      i = (NI)(TM__ZnbSUaan7pLK3wwky39bzhA_5);
    } LA2: ;
    NIM_BOOL T9_;
    T9_ = (NIM_BOOL)0;
    T9_ = (i == (arr_p0Len_0-1));
    if (!(T9_)) goto LA10_;
    if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
    T9_ = (result < arr_p0[i]);
LA10_: ;
    if (!T9_) goto LA11_;
    if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
    result = arr_p0[i];
LA11_: ;
  }BeforeRet_: ;
  return result;

In intermediate language tree, there are still raiseIndexError2 and raiseOverflow.

NI testloop__testwhileloop50a_u10 (NI * arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0)
  NI i;
  NI result;
  long long int _1;
  long long int _2;
  long int _7;
  _Bool _13;
  long unsigned int i.2_15;
  long int _20;
  long int _21;
  _Bool _22;
  long unsigned int i.5_23;
  long unsigned int _24;
  NI * _25;
  long int _26;
  __complex__ long long int _41;
  _Bool _43;
  long unsigned int _53;
  NI * _54;
  long int _55;
  __complex__ long long int _56;
  long long int _57;
  long long int _58;
  <bb 2> [local count: 113328220]:
  _41 = .SUB_OVERFLOW (arr_p0Len_0_40(D), 1);
  _1 = REALPART_EXPR <_41>;
  _2 = IMAGPART_EXPR <_41>;
  if (_2 != 0)
    goto <bb 6>; [2.75%]
    goto <bb 3>; [97.25%]
  <bb 3> [local count: 1044213920]:
  # result_3 = PHI <-9223372036854775808(2), _55(5)>
  # i_12 = PHI <_2(2), _57(5)>
  if (_1 <= i_12)
    goto <bb 7>; [2.75%]
    goto <bb 4>; [97.25%]
  <bb 4> [local count: 987571835]:
  _43 = i_12 < 0;
  _13 = i_12 >= arr_p0Len_0_40(D);
  _22 = _13 | _43;
  if (_22 != 0)
    goto <bb 8>; [2.75%]
    goto <bb 5>; [97.25%]
  <bb 5> [local count: 960413607]:
  i.2_15 = (long unsigned int) i_12;
  _53 = i.2_15 * 8;
  _54 = arr_p0_42(D) + _53;
  _21 = *_54;
  _55 = MAX_EXPR <result_3, _21>;
  _56 = .ADD_OVERFLOW (i_12, 2);
  _57 = REALPART_EXPR <_56>;
  _58 = IMAGPART_EXPR <_56>;
  if (_58 != 0)
    goto <bb 10>; [2.75%]
    goto <bb 3>; [97.25%]
  <bb 6> [local count: 29527904]:
  raiseOverflow ();
  goto <bb 15>; [100.00%]
  <bb 7> [local count: 28715887]:
  _20 = arr_p0Len_0_40(D) + -1;
  if (i_12 != _20)
    goto <bb 14>; [50.00%]
    goto <bb 11>; [50.00%]
  <bb 8> [local count: 27926200]:
  _7 = arr_p0Len_0_40(D) + -1;
  raiseIndexError2 (i_12, _7);
  <bb 9> [local count: 27926200]:
  goto <bb 15>; [100.00%]
  <bb 10> [local count: 27158229]:
  raiseOverflow ();
  goto <bb 15>; [100.00%]
  <bb 11> [local count: 14357943]:
  if (i_12 < 0)
    goto <bb 12>; [20.24%]
    goto <bb 13>; [79.76%]
  <bb 12> [local count: 2906048]:
  raiseIndexError2 (i_12, i_12);
  goto <bb 14>; [100.00%]
  <bb 13> [local count: 11451896]:
  i.5_23 = (long unsigned int) i_12;
  _24 = i.5_23 * 8;
  _25 = arr_p0_42(D) + _24;
  _26 = *_25;
  if (result_3 < _26)
    goto <bb 15>; [66.00%]
    goto <bb 14>; [34.00%]
  <bb 14> [local count: 3447781]:
  goto <bb 9>; [100.00%]
  <bb 15> [local count: 113328219]:
  # result_34 = PHI <result_3(9), -9223372036854775808(6), _55(10), _26(13)>
  return result_34;


In assembly code, there are call raiseIndexError2 and call raiseOverflow.

  mov	rcx, rsi
  push	rbx
  sub	rcx, 1
  jo	.L4
  movabs	rbx, -9223372036854775808
  mov	rdx, rdi
  seto	dil
  movzx	edi, dil
  jmp	.L10
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  cmp	rdi, rsi
  jge	.L6
  test	rdi, rdi
  js	.L6
  mov	rax, QWORD PTR [rdx+rdi*8]
  cmp	rbx, rax
  cmovl	rbx, rax
  add	rdi, 2
  jo	.L21
  cmp	rcx, rdi
  jg	.L22
  sub	rsi, 1
  cmp	rdi, rsi
  jne	.L1
  test	rdi, rdi
  js	.L23
  mov	rax, QWORD PTR [rdx+rdi*8]
  cmp	rbx, rax
  cmovl	rbx, rax
  mov	rax, rbx
  pop	rbx
  movabs	rbx, -9223372036854775808
  call	raiseOverflow
  mov	rax, rbx
  pop	rbx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  sub	rsi, 1
  call	raiseIndexError2
  mov	rax, rbx
  pop	rbx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  call	raiseOverflow
  mov	rax, rbx
  pop	rbx
  mov	rsi, rdi
  call	raiseIndexError2
  jmp	.L1

arr.len - 1 is underflow checked probably because arr_p0Len_0 in C (corresponding to arr.len in Nim) is an int type argument and GCC assumes it can be smallest int value.

While loop with a loop counter incremented by 2 without runtime checks

So I have added an if statement so that GCC can see that arr.len - 1 in the while loop never underflowed.


import std/[cmdline, times, monotimes, random]

template bench(body: untyped): untyped =
  let start = getMonoTime()
  let finish = getMonoTime()
  echo (finish - start).inMicroseconds, " micro second"

type MyInt = int

proc testloop(arr: openArray[MyInt]): MyInt =
  result = MyInt.low
  # if statement to make sure `arr.len - 1` never underflow
  if arr.len == int.low:
  var i = 0
  while i < arr.len - 1:
    if arr[i] > result:
      result = arr[i]
    inc i, 2
  if i == arr.high and arr[i] > result:
    result = arr[i]

when true:
  # Tests
  doAssert testloop([]) == MyInt.low
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt]) == 0
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt, 1]) == 0
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt, 1, 2]) == 2
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt, 1, 2, 3]) == 2
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt, 1, 2, 3, 4]) == 4
  doAssert testloop([0.MyInt, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) == 4

# Initialize inputData using a runtime value `paramCount()`
# so that compilers cannot optimize code using input data
# that are known at compile time.
  rand = (paramCount() or 123).initRand()
  inputData: seq[MyInt]

for i in 0 .. (10000000 + paramCount()):
  inputData.add rand.rand(MyInt)

var ret: MyInt
  ret = testloop(inputData)
# If output of `testloop` was not echoed, dead code elimination
# would optimize out `testloop`.
echo ret

Generated C code:

N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(NI, testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10)(NI* arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0) {
  NI result;
  NI i;
{	result = ((NI)(IL64(-9223372036854775807) - IL64(1)));
    if (!(arr_p0Len_0 == ((NI)(IL64(-9223372036854775807) - IL64(1))))) goto LA3_;
    goto BeforeRet_;
LA3_: ;
  i = ((NI)0);
    while (1) {
      NI TM__mpWMws40ADn9cAlaUZQotLg_2;
      NI TM__mpWMws40ADn9cAlaUZQotLg_3;
      if (nimSubInt(arr_p0Len_0, ((NI)1), &TM__mpWMws40ADn9cAlaUZQotLg_2)) { raiseOverflow(); goto BeforeRet_;
      if (!(i < (NI)(TM__mpWMws40ADn9cAlaUZQotLg_2))) goto LA6;
        if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
        if (!(result < arr_p0[i])) goto LA9_;
        if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
        result = arr_p0[i];
LA9_: ;
      if (nimAddInt(i, ((NI)2), &TM__mpWMws40ADn9cAlaUZQotLg_3)) { raiseOverflow(); goto BeforeRet_;
      i = (NI)(TM__mpWMws40ADn9cAlaUZQotLg_3);
    } LA6: ;
    NIM_BOOL T13_;
    T13_ = (NIM_BOOL)0;
    T13_ = (i == (arr_p0Len_0-1));
    if (!(T13_)) goto LA14_;
    if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
    T13_ = (result < arr_p0[i]);
LA14_: ;
    if (!T13_) goto LA15_;
    if (i < 0 || i >= arr_p0Len_0){ raiseIndexError2(i,arr_p0Len_0-1); goto BeforeRet_;
    result = arr_p0[i];
LA15_: ;
  }BeforeRet_: ;
  return result;

In intermediate language tree, there is neither bound checks nor overflow checks inside the loop. And testloop proc was divided to two functions. Second function checks arr.len == MyInt.low and if that was false, call first function that runs remaining code. At the call site (it is not included in following code), first function is called and if arr.len == MyInt.low: is not executed.

NI testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10.part.0 (NI * arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0)
  NI result;
  NI i;
  long long int _6;
  sizetype _7;
  long long int _11;
  long int _20;
  long int _22;
  long long int _23;
  long long int _24;
  unsigned long _25;
  long unsigned int i.5_28;
  long unsigned int _29;
  NI * _30;
  long int _31;
  unsigned long _35;
  _Bool _36;
  long int _38;
  <bb 2> [local count: 113328220]:
  _11 = arr_p0Len_0_1(D) + -1;
  if (_11 <= 0)
    goto <bb 3>; [2.75%]
    goto <bb 4>; [97.25%]
  <bb 3> [local count: 28715887]:
  # result_33 = PHI <_22(4), -9223372036854775808(2)>
  _36 = arr_p0Len_0_1(D) >= 0;
  _35 = (unsigned long) arr_p0Len_0_1(D);
  _25 = _35 >> 1;
  _24 = (long long int) _25;
  _23 = _24 * 2;
  i_10 = _36 ? _23 : 0;
  if (i_10 != _11)
    goto <bb 6>; [50.00%]
    goto <bb 5>; [50.00%]
  <bb 4> [local count: 1015498035]:
  # i_13 = PHI <_6(4), 0(2)>
  # result_34 = PHI <_22(4), -9223372036854775808(2)>
  _7 = (sizetype) i_13;
  _20 = MEM[(NI *)arr_p0_18(D) + _7 * 8];
  _22 = MAX_EXPR <_20, result_34>;
  _6 = i_13 + 2;
  if (_6 >= _11)
    goto <bb 3>; [2.75%]
    goto <bb 4>; [97.25%]
  <bb 5> [local count: 11451896]:
  i.5_28 = (long unsigned int) i_10;
  _29 = i.5_28 * 8;
  _30 = arr_p0_18(D) + _29;
  _31 = *_30;
  _38 = MAX_EXPR <_31, result_33>;
  <bb 6> [local count: 113328219]:
  # result_42 = PHI <_38(5), result_33(3)>
  return result_42;


;; Function testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10 (testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10, funcdef_no=15, decl_uid=3231, cgraph_uid=16, symbol_order=44)

__attribute__((visibility ("hidden")))
NI testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10 (NI * arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0)
  NI result;
  <bb 2> [local count: 114519220]:
  if (arr_p0Len_0_4(D) != -9223372036854775808)
    goto <bb 3>; [98.96%]
    goto <bb 4>; [1.04%]
  <bb 3> [local count: 113328220]:
  result_2 = testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10.part.0 (arr_p0_6(D), arr_p0Len_0_4(D)); [tail call]
  <bb 4> [local count: 114519219]:
  # result_3 = PHI <arr_p0Len_0_4(D)(2), result_2(3)>
  return result_3;


In generated assembly code, there is neither bound checks nor overflow checks inside the loop. And testloop proc was divided to two functions.

  lea	r8, -1[rsi]
  mov	rcx, rdi
  movabs	rax, -9223372036854775808
  test	r8, r8
  jle	.L5
  lea	rdx, -2[rsi]
  shr	rdx
  and	edx, 1
  mov	rdi, rdx
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR [rcx]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  mov	edx, 2
  cmp	rdx, r8
  jge	.L5
  test	rdi, rdi
  je	.L2
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR [rcx+rdx*8]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  mov	edx, 4
  cmp	rdx, r8
  jge	.L5
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  mov	rdi, QWORD PTR [rcx+rdx*8]
  cmp	rax, rdi
  cmovl	rax, rdi
  mov	rdi, QWORD PTR 16[rcx+rdx*8]
  cmp	rax, rdi
  cmovl	rax, rdi
  add	rdx, 4
  cmp	rdx, r8
  jl	.L2
  mov	rdx, rsi
  and	rdx, -2
  test	rsi, rsi
  mov	esi, 0
  cmovs	rdx, rsi
  cmp	rdx, r8
  je	.L17
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR [rcx+r8*8]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  .size	testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10.part.0, .-testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10.part.0
  .p2align 4
  .globl	testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10
  .hidden	testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10
  .type	testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10, @function
  movabs	rax, -9223372036854775808
  cmp	rsi, rax
  je	.L19
  jmp	testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10.part.0
  mov	rax, rsi

When I compiled it with -d:danger, both generated intermediate language tree and assembly code were not the same as the one compiled with -d:release. testloop proc was not divided to 2 functions and it was inlined at call site. But the main loop in testloop were almost the same.

NI testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10 (NI * arr_p0, NI arr_p0Len_0)
  NI i;
  NI result;
  NI result;
  long int _8;
  long int _14;
  long int _16;
  long unsigned int i.2_18;
  long unsigned int _19;
  NI * _20;
  long int _21;
  sizetype _22;
  long int _23;
  long int _24;
  long int _29;
  unsigned long _33;
  unsigned long _34;
  unsigned long _35;
  <bb 2> [local count: 119352870]:
  if (arr_p0Len_0_3(D) != -9223372036854775808)
    goto <bb 3>; [98.96%]
    goto <bb 8>; [1.04%]
  <bb 3> [local count: 118111600]:
  _8 = arr_p0Len_0_3(D) + -1;
  if (_8 <= 0)
    goto <bb 4>; [11.00%]
    goto <bb 5>; [89.00%]
  <bb 4> [local count: 118111600]:
  # i_30 = PHI <i_36(6), 0(3)>
  # result_31 = PHI <_16(6), -9223372036854775808(3)>
  if (_8 != i_30)
    goto <bb 8>; [50.00%]
    goto <bb 7>; [50.00%]
  <bb 5> [local count: 955630225]:
  # i_1 = PHI <i_17(5), 0(3)>
  # result_32 = PHI <_16(5), -9223372036854775808(3)>
  _22 = (sizetype) i_1;
  _14 = MEM[(NI *)arr_p0_4(D) + _22 * 8];
  _16 = MAX_EXPR <_14, result_32>;
  i_17 = i_1 + 2;
  if (_8 <= i_17)
    goto <bb 6>; [11.00%]
    goto <bb 5>; [89.00%]
  <bb 6> [local count: 105119324]:
  _35 = (unsigned long) arr_p0Len_0_3(D);
  _34 = _35 + 18446744073709551614;
  _33 = _34 >> 1;
  _29 = (long int) _33;
  _24 = _29 + 1;
  i_36 = _24 * 2;
  goto <bb 4>; [100.00%]
  <bb 7> [local count: 59055800]:
  i.2_18 = (long unsigned int) i_30;
  _19 = i.2_18 * 8;
  _20 = arr_p0_4(D) + _19;
  _21 = *_20;
  _23 = MAX_EXPR <_21, result_31>;
  <bb 8> [local count: 119352870]:
  # result_2 = PHI <arr_p0Len_0_3(D)(2), _23(7), result_31(4)>
  return result_2;

  movabs	rax, -9223372036854775808
  cmp	rsi, rax
  je	.L7
  lea	r8, -1[rsi]
  test	r8, r8
  jle	.L18
  lea	rdx, -2[rsi]
  shr	rdx
  mov	rcx, rdx
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi]
  and	ecx, 1
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  mov	edx, 2
  cmp	r8, 2
  jle	.L19
  test	rcx, rcx
  je	.L3
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi+rdx*8]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  mov	edx, 4
  cmp	r8, 4
  jle	.L19
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  mov	rcx, QWORD PTR [rdi+rdx*8]
  cmp	rax, rcx
  cmovl	rax, rcx
  mov	rcx, QWORD PTR 16[rdi+rdx*8]
  cmp	rax, rcx
  cmovl	rax, rcx
  add	rdx, 4
  cmp	r8, rdx
  jg	.L3
  sub	rsi, 2
  shr	rsi
  lea	rdx, 2[rsi+rsi]
  cmp	r8, rdx
  je	.L22
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  mov	rdx, QWORD PTR [rdi+r8*8]
  cmp	rax, rdx
  cmovl	rax, rdx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  xor	edx, edx
  jmp	.L5
  mov	rax, rsi

When I set type MyInt = int32 in testwhileloop2faster.nim and compiled it with -d:release without -march=native, there are SSE instructions in generated assembly code.

  lea	r8, -1[rsi]
  mov	rcx, rdi
  mov	rdi, rsi
  test	r8, r8
  jle	.L16
  lea	rdx, -2[rsi]
  cmp	rdx, 7
  jbe	.L12
  shr	rdx, 3
  movdqa	xmm2, XMMWORD PTR .LC0[rip]
  mov	rax, rcx
  mov	rsi, rdx
  sal	rsi, 5
  add	rsi, rcx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  movdqu	xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [rax]
  movdqu	xmm3, XMMWORD PTR 16[rax]
  add	rax, 32
  shufps	xmm0, xmm3, 136
  movdqa	xmm1, xmm0
  pcmpgtd	xmm1, xmm2
  pand	xmm0, xmm1
  pandn	xmm1, xmm2
  movdqa	xmm2, xmm1
  por	xmm2, xmm0
  cmp	rsi, rax
  jne	.L9
  movdqa	xmm0, xmm2
  sal	rdx, 3
  psrldq	xmm0, 8
  movdqa	xmm1, xmm0
  pcmpgtd	xmm1, xmm2
  pand	xmm0, xmm1
  pandn	xmm1, xmm2
  por	xmm1, xmm0
  movdqa	xmm2, xmm1
  psrldq	xmm2, 4
  movdqa	xmm0, xmm2
  pcmpgtd	xmm0, xmm1
  pand	xmm2, xmm0
  pandn	xmm0, xmm1
  por	xmm0, xmm2
  movd	eax, xmm0
  mov	r9d, DWORD PTR [rcx+rdx*4]
  lea	rsi, 0[0+rdx*4]
  cmp	eax, r9d
  cmovl	eax, r9d
  lea	r9, 2[rdx]
  cmp	r8, r9
  jle	.L2
  mov	r9d, DWORD PTR 8[rcx+rsi]
  cmp	eax, r9d
  cmovl	eax, r9d
  lea	r9, 4[rdx]
  cmp	r8, r9
  jle	.L2
  mov	r9d, DWORD PTR 16[rcx+rsi]
  cmp	eax, r9d
  cmovl	eax, r9d
  add	rdx, 6
  cmp	r8, rdx
  jle	.L2
  mov	edx, DWORD PTR 24[rcx+rsi]
  cmp	eax, edx
  cmovl	eax, edx
  mov	rdx, rdi
  xor	esi, esi
  and	rdx, -2
  test	rdi, rdi
  cmovs	rdx, rsi
  cmp	rdx, r8
  je	.L17
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  mov	edx, DWORD PTR [rcx+r8*4]
  cmp	eax, edx
  cmovl	eax, edx
  .p2align 4,,10
  .p2align 3
  mov	eax, -2147483648
  xor	edx, edx
  jmp	.L7
  mov	eax, -2147483648
  jmp	.L2
  .size	testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10.part.0, .-testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10.part.0
  .p2align 4
  .globl	testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10
  .hidden	testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10
  .type	testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10, @function
  movabs	rax, -9223372036854775808
  cmp	rsi, rax
  je	.L19
  jmp	testloop__testwhileloop50faster_u10.part.0
  mov	eax, -2147483648

I compiled testwhileloop2faster.nim with type MyInt = int and type MyInt = int32 with different compile options and compared measured times.

MyIntGCC option-d:time (10^-3 second)

When type MyInt = int, -d:release and -d:danger builds are the same speed. When type MyInt = int32, -d:release and -d:danger are almost the same speed.

by Tomohiro
